
Hi, my name is Jes

On this site I share my bottomless passion for good food, big adventures and green spaces. You can learn more about my wellness programming, cooking and gardening classes and Ayurvedic offerings here.

Making Unique Connections - Just One Chance

Making Unique Connections - Just One Chance

If I recognize that I only get to be your friend, your daughter, your sister, your teacher this one time in this one life, what would I change? What would I say?

Imagine if you lived your life everyday as though you knew it was a singular, unique experience never to be lived again. This is an absolute truth, but I think we often forget it. We get so into the groove of the day-to-day we lose sight of the love and light surrounding us from all around. The tiny joys and small moments that make a life fall through the cracks, and we begin to take for granted the relationships with friends and family that really make a life.

Last week in a writing group with friends, my ever-inspired (and inspiring) friend Tim, wrote a piece that mentioned his unique relationship with his Mom that he would only get to experience in this lifetime. It created a thought provoking and solemn moment in the group. Sure, we will likely meet again in future lives (at least in our circle of thought) but we will never be the same people to each other. We will never have the opportunity to teach the same lessons and share the same moments. This one time is all we have.

From that perspective, if we take a moment to step back and look at the relationships in our lives as singular, unique and once in a lifetime, what would we do differently? If I recognize that I only get to be your friend, your daughter, your sister, your teacher this one time in this one life, what would I change? What would I say? What lengths would I go to, to ensure kindness in my actions? In what ways would I bravely open my heart to you? 

All too often we hold back out of fear. What opportunities do we lose in our fears? There are so many lives we could crack open with our fearless words, but we are fearful ourselves of the power of our truth. So we hold back and limit the gifts we can offer to ourselves and others.

Shortly before my great aunt passed away, I visited her in the hospital. She was an amazing woman with a beautifully honest, open and full life, and she made me promise here in that moment to live a life filled with great big adventures. On my biggest, scariest days I remind myself of her words and try to live big- to experience this life as greatly as I can and embrace the people I love here for as long as I have them.

It is so easy to curl up into our smallness and lose site of all the possibility and potential we have to offer to people in the world around us. 

I admit I falter on this path constantly. It is scary to be open, honest, fearless. It takes constant forgiveness, an understanding of when to let go and walk away, and an ability to reside in stillness and listen to the quietest whispers of your soul. 

If we want to live to the fullest potential of our being in this life we must live bravely, with open hearts. We must remind ourselves everyday that this life is it for this go around. This is our one chance to experience these unique and singular relationships.

I was reading recently that human lifetimes are meant for building relationships. It is our nature- it is what we are here for, to bond and connect. And as my Granny always tells me, “We were all put on this earth to help other people.”

See the people around you as spirits contained in this delicate human form. Honor them. Remember this is all fleeting. That time passes quickly. And this is your one chance to experience the people around you fully and share your light.

And remember, live big baby. Live big!

Creating an Urban Family

Creating an Urban Family

Funeral Blues

Funeral Blues