
Hi, my name is Jes

On this site I share my bottomless passion for good food, big adventures and green spaces. You can learn more about my wellness programming, cooking and gardening classes and Ayurvedic offerings here.

Inspiring Your Space with Sacred Objects

Inspiring Your Space with Sacred Objects

I am a collector of small objects. Not so many as to clutter my space, but enough to decorate the surfaces in my home and add some personality to my space. Sacred objects, in particular, are spread throughout my home in small groupings that combine multiple traditions and paths of thinking.

Spiral Goddess, Angel sketch of my Grandmother and a Bee.

Spiral Goddess, Angel sketch of my Grandmother and a Bee.

The grouping to the left is a small collection housed on a Tibetan milking stool I use as a table next to a winged back chair I inherited from my great aunt (which was given to her by my maternal grandmother). The space is sacred to me, merely by the presence of the chair of significant origin. These small objects help to ground, enliven and further inspire the space. Stones are a theme throughout my home. I will write about their particular spiritual significance to me in a later post.

Om – I incorporate some elements of Buddhist practice into my daily life and the Om symbol is one of my favorite images. It reminds me to be peaceful and still, to attune to the vibration of the universe. 

Brigid’s Cross – Brigid’s Cross is a lovely Celtic symbol used in Christian practices, derived from the Pagan sunwheel. It is said to protect the home from evil spirits, and was designed by St. Brigid (who wove the cross out of rushes) at the bedside of a dying man.

To the right is a small spiral goddess I purchased from Dancing Moon Books and Gifts in Raleigh, NC. There is also a small sketch of an angel in a golden frame drawn for me by a close friend. A month after I received the drawing I had it sitting on my desk next to my favorite picture of my grandmother, who passed away many years ago. I realized at that moment that the sketch was my grandmother. It was like my friend had drawn her although he had never seen or met her. The drawing is very special to me. The bee was given to me by the same friend last Christmas.

Spirals – Spirals are a special, sacred symbol for me. I am always drawn to them. They represent the contraction and expansion of the universe, the movement in and out of life and breath. They lead us to our center and then back out into the world again.

Mala and Tibetan Singing Bowl

Mala and Tibetan Singing Bowl

Bees – I have always been powerfully drawn to bees. Bees are often connected to the goddess and priestesses in ancient cultures and folklore. The Queen oversees the hive and is the soul source of reproduction. They represent feminine strength and power.

Singing Bowls – Singing Bowls are a beautiful and elegant way to bring sound into your practice. They are available in all sizes, and produce numerous variants of pitch and tone. Tap the edge of the bowl with the wooden mallet and send out a little musical vibration. Listen until it fades into the silence.

Malas – Malas are used as a meditation tool and a means of focus during prayer. There are varieties in many religious traditions including prayer beads and rosaries. I have a small wrist Mala that a friend purchased for me in China, and a full Mala that I purchased at a Tibetan store in the states. Japa Mala Beads is a wonderful online source. If you’re interested in creating your own prayer beads with special meaning visit Beth Owl’s Daughter’s site for some insightful articles.

St. Francis – To the right is a small wall hanging of St. Francis I recently found in a consignment shop. St. Francis is often used as a garden statue given his legendary love of animals. My small figurine hangs next to the french doors leading outside. In folk legend, St. Francis was traveling with friends when he saw birds in the trees all around them. He asked them to stop so he could speak to his “sisters the birds”. It was said that all the birds stayed to listen and none flew away. He believed it was the duty of man to protect and honor nature as stewards of God on earth.

Quan Yin – At the bottom of this page you will see a statue of Quan Yin from my friend’s home (I, too, have a white porcelain version in my bedroom). There are numerous spellings of her name (and some male forms), but in her most well known depiction she is a Buddhist bodhisattva (an enlightened being) of compassion and unconditional love. When a devoted follower of Quan Yin passes she is said to put them in the heart of the lotus and send them to the celestial realm of Buddha. She is a beautiful blessing in any home.

Combining your sacred objects with fire and water elements helps to balance the Feng Shui in your home and enhance various feelings in your space. For more on this topic, I highly recommend a book I am reading now called Feng Shui for the Soul by Denise Linn. Just a few sacred items can transform your space and change the trajectory of your life.

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