
Hi, my name is Jes

On this site I share my bottomless passion for good food, big adventures and green spaces. You can learn more about my wellness programming, cooking and gardening classes and Ayurvedic offerings here.

Blessings of the Harvest Moon

Blessings of the Harvest Moon


Last night's Harvest Moon was as lovely as ever. Her reflection off the Atlantic in the Isle of Palms, SC was magical. I spent a considerable amount of time with my feet in the surf, recharging and looking forward to the gifts the rest of this year has to offer.

As we turn to Fall and shorter days, remember to slow down, relax, enjoy life and find comfort in the peace of stillness. While a Harvest Moon often means cultivating crops and bringing in the fruits of your labor, this Harvest Moon in Pisces reminds us to pause, reflect and experience joy. For more on the specifics of the energy of this Harvest Moon, visit Beth Owl's Daughter's site here.

I hope this Harvest Moon has brought you all the blessings you deserve. What can you do to let go of your obligations, stop for a moment and just be? Can you let down your walls long enough to lighten your heart, be joyful and allow in fun?Allow yourself to listen to the music of your heart and dance in the moonlight.

Cold Asparagus Salad (ME)

Cold Asparagus Salad (ME)

Okra Corn Fritters

Okra Corn Fritters