
Hi, my name is Jes

On this site I share my bottomless passion for good food, big adventures and green spaces. You can learn more about my wellness programming, cooking and gardening classes and Ayurvedic offerings here.

30 Days of Thanksgiving - Winding-Up Days 27 through 30 with Reflection on Friendship

30 Days of Thanksgiving - Winding-Up Days 27 through 30 with Reflection on Friendship



I am in Portland, Oregon traveling this week, but wanted to make a quick post to finish out this amazing season of gratitude and thanksgiving for all the good and love that surrounds me. I travel regularly, but I am kept grounded by my amazing friends who make a home for me wherever I go.

It has been a rough year for many people I know, and my year has been no exception. The wildness of the stars this year necessitates that we face our biggest fears, put our best foot forward and confront the change that is needed in our life. Last week I was seeking consolation from a friend in Kentucky on my recent woes. He asked what is good in my life, and that answer came to me clearly and without hesitation - my friends. My friends are more than good, they are great, wonderful, fabulous, fantastic!

It is my friends who keep me going. Who make my home. Who make my days merry and bright. I never cease to be amazed by their kindness, generosity and love. They are the greatest gift that I was given in this life. The list of their names goes well beyond the four days of this month that remain, and for that I am even more grateful.

With that in mind, I offer you one last suggested gratitude practice to honor your friendships. Thank YOU for visiting me here and happy, happy holidays.


Take time to show and express love to the family you choose and create along your life's path, your friends. Call someone you haven't spoken to in a long time. Amend old grievances. Reach out to those who need it most. Be gracious, be grateful. Open your heart. Give. Love.

*In honor of the spirit and joy of Thanksgiving, I am taking a moment every day this month to share a little something I'm grateful for. Of course, I'm always grateful for you, my readers. Thank you for taking the time to visit. For more thoughts on gratitude you can see my previous posts here and here.

Pumpkin Harvest Bourbon Martini

Pumpkin Harvest Bourbon Martini

30 Days of Thanksgiving - Days 20 through 26

30 Days of Thanksgiving - Days 20 through 26